Test facilities
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Engineering for a cleaner world
15-level baker?s trolley, small
Baker?s trolley
Butcher?s tub
Carcass trolley
Constant level trolley for ABS trays
Dustbin with hinged lid
Dustbin with plastic bags dispensers
Enclosed trolley for ABS trays
Flour trolley
Hook trolley
Instrument baskets trolley
Meat elements trolley
Meat or ice chips trolley
Plastic container trolley 4201
Plastic container trolley 4202
Plastic container trolley 4203
Plastic pallet
Refuse bag clip stand
Refuse bag trolley
Refuse container
Refuse container - 4714
Smoking rod trolley
Smoking stick
Smoking trolley ?H? type
Smoking trolley ?Z? type
Spit rotisserie
Stainless steel basket-pallet
Stainless steel dustbin, round
Stainless steel dustbin, square
Stainless steel pallet
Trays trolley
Trolley - polystyrene tray basket
Trolley 4101
Trolley 4102
Trolley 4103
Trolley for ABS trays and GN containers
Trolley for raised dough bowls
Trolley for stainless steel trays
Trolley for stuffing and small meat - 200 litres
Trolley with basket
Trolley with drainage 300 - 400 liters
Waiter?s trolley
Waste container - 200 l.
Waste container - small